COVID-19 Response US
Take The First Steps:
Your steps into discovering what is due to your business and potential to rebuild better takes less than 45 minutes. We deliver urgently needed support with no direct costs to the businesses we hold hands with and will only succeed once we succeed with you.
We’re in this with you!
Your 4 Steps To Discovery
Step 1: Survival & Repositioning to Profit
Our services are specifically designed to help improve your business's cash flow and reduce worry, so that together, we can plan forward. Our team of advisors and specialists have aided businesses in securing over $500M in savings over the past decade and a half by leveraging our digitally customized custom consulting process. Our unique and disruptive services are proven, refined, time-tested, and performance-based and offered at zero risk. ​MWG and our associate business sector specialists, project managers, engineers, intellectual property attorneys, and expense auditors, work together to seamlessly uncover expense reductions, and specialized Tax Incentives and refunds going back 5 years! Here's how:
In 30 minutes we work with owners, managers and your CPA and take you through our proven software that gathers key business profile information and uncovers billing errors, overcharges, and specialized Tax Incentives (tax credits and deductions) to business owners which normally go undetected. All without interrupting your daily business.View some successes though our approach . Our proprietary and disruptive consulting software combined with our 4-step hand holding approach makes business analytical advisory services affordable to small businesses. Our applied software is managed by Growth management Group (GMG). MarketWorks Global is Senior advisor and implementing partner to GMG, for small medium and growing businesses across the US.
In addition to the federal and state business COVID-19 relief which may, or may not suit your needs, tax law provisions are available to help you recover financially from the impact of a disaster. By completing a quick survey in the link below, our software will search hundreds of local, state, and federal programs and other required data standards to determine how your business qualifies. Our consultants will take you through a discovery interview to drill down further help you estimate the full savings and refunds owed to your business. They help you claim your back benefits and increase your cash flow and annual return on investment
Step 2:Driving Purpose and Sustainability
As our team executes step 1, you are freer to focus your energy on forward planning. Step 2 focuses on reviewing, restructuring, and rolling out revised short to long-term business strategy for repositioning. We also identify and research feasibility of potentially productive business-to-business alliances to ensure your business will not only survive during the crisis, but also adjust to the new market structure emerging after the crisis. This take you several steps closer to sustainability.
Step 3: Strengthening your safety net for Survival, through partnerships
Together we are Stronger! We help you forge commercial partnerships, navigate continuous access to supportive ecosystem of public-private sector partners and corporations focused on building thriving communities through supporting the entrepreneurship and sustainability of the local business.
Businesses that are supported by their local Small Business Development Center, coupled with the close support of wide local entrepreneurial ecosystems are most likely to remain afloat, pivot, or repurpose through access to well-aligned business to business partnerships.
Step 4: Planning for Future Finance
Reduce the worry. This add-on step is available on request. Using our digital tech platform, our partners provide low or no cost support to business financial planning for the future, tailored to the nature of the commercial and/or social aspects of your business operations and products.